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Season IV

US Cyber Open™
CTF Event Recap

Over 3,000 athletes of all ages from 50 states + D.C. and the Virgin Islands competed in the US Cyber Open Capture the Flag (CTF) competition.

Thank you to all of the volunteers and CTF Developers who made this possible.


US Cyber Open CTF Winners









































Top 50 Leaderboard

Last Updated: June 26, 2024

Handle SIV US Cyber Open CTF
Score & Rank
Overall Score by Game Category

The Open CTF challenges were broken up into six game categories:
cryptography, reverse engineering, forensics, web, pwn, and misc.
Each challenge used dynamic scoring to determine the final point value based on difficulty.

Eth007 Score: 14,161 Cryptography: 3,892 Reversing Engineering: 2,683 Forensics: 2,345
Rank: 1 Web: 2,118 PWN: 2,779 Misc: 344
Quasar Score: 12,666 Cryptography: 3,892 Reversing Engineering: 2,186 Forensics: 2,345
Rank: 2 Web: 2,118 PWN: 1,781 Misc: 344
quasar098 Score: 12,166 Cryptography: 3,892 Reversing Engineering: 2,186 Forensics: 2,345
Rank: 3 Web: 2,118 PWN: 1,281 Misc: 344
astra Score: 11,685 Cryptography: 3,892 Reversing Engineering: 2,683 Forensics: 867
Rank: 4 Web: 2,118 PWN: 1,781 Misc: 344
GabeG888 Score: 10,223 Cryptography: 3,892 Reversing Engineering: 2,186 Forensics: 886
Rank: 5 Web: 2,118 PWN: 797 Misc: 344
Kameron Bettridge Score: 10,207 Cryptography: 2,417 Reversing Engineering: 2,186 Forensics: 2,345
Rank: 6 Web: 2,118 PWN: 797 Misc: 344
flocto Score: 9,847 Cryptography: 3,396 Reversing Engineering: 2,187 Forensics: 1,253
Rank: 7 Web: 1,386 PWN: 1,281 Misc: 344
melz Score: 8,749 Cryptography: 1,454 Reversing Engineering: 2,683 Forensics: 1,353
Rank: 8 Web: 2,118 PWN: 797 Misc: 344
jd Score: 8,728 Cryptography: 1,445 Reversing Engineering: 2,187 Forensics: 1,353
Rank: 9 Web: 2,118 PWN: 1,281 Misc: 344
BraydenPikachu Score: 8,401 Cryptography: 1,938 Reversing Engineering: 1,705 Forensics: 2,345
Rank: 10 Web: 1,272 PWN: 797 Misc: 344
nicoposada Score: 8,174 Cryptography: 100 Reversing Engineering: 3,683 Forensics: 400
Rank: 11 Web: 1,867 PWN: 1,780 Misc: 344
outwrest Score: 7,837 Cryptography: 1,951 Reversing Engineering: 718 Forensics: 2,345
Rank: 12 Web: 2,118 PWN: 361 Misc: 344
jakesss Score: 7,307 Cryptography: 504 Reversing Engineering: 1,199 Forensics: 2,345
Rank: 13 Web: 2,118 PWN: 797 Misc: 344
aa.crypto Score: 6,946 Cryptography: 3,892 Reversing Engineering: 750 Forensics: 200
Rank: 14 Web: 479 PWN: 1,281 Misc: 344
Flipout50 Score: 6,393 Cryptography: 1,929 Reversing Engineering: 1,241 Forensics: 867
Rank: 15 Web: 1,651 PWN: 361 Misc: 344
Rench Score: 6,263 Cryptography: 504 Reversing Engineering: 718 Forensics: 1,747
Rank: 16 Web: 1,170 PWN: 1,780 Misc: 344
slug Score: 6,206 Cryptography: 3,396 Reversing Engineering: 1,247 Forensics: 400
Rank: 17 Web: 819 Misc: 344
ContronThePanda Score: 6,181 Cryptography: 3,396 Reversing Engineering: 1,690 Forensics: 400
Rank: 18 Web: 351 Misc: 344
feasto Score: 5,677 Cryptography: 3,396 Forensics: 300
Rank: 19 Web: 1,637 Misc: 344
arjunlalith Score: 5,441 Cryptography: 562 Reversing Engineering: 269 Forensics: 867
Rank: 20 Web: 2,118 PWN: 1,281 Misc: 344
bryanmcnulty Score: 5,385 Cryptography: 983 Reversing Engineering: 269 Forensics: 1,353
Rank: 21 Web: 1,639 PWN: 797 Misc: 344
tacex Score: 5,383 Cryptography: 504 Reversing Engineering: 269 Forensics: 867
Rank: 22 Web: 2,118 PWN: 1,281 Misc: 344
astitz Score: 5,203 Cryptography: 584 Reversing Engineering: 750 Forensics: 1,847
Rank: 23 Web: 1,678 Misc: 344
goldenboy Score: 5,020 Reversing Engineering: 1,241
Rank: 24 PWN: 3,779
cjreed121 Score: 4,985 Cryptography: 966 Reversing Engineering: 718 Forensics: 767
Rank: 25 Web: 1,637 PWN: 797 Misc: 100
colai2zo Score: 4,966 Cryptography: 100 Reversing Engineering: 1,737 Forensics: 767
Rank: 26 Web: 2,118 Misc: 244
SadKris Score: 4,680 Cryptography: 966 Forensics: 1,847
Rank: 27 Web: 1,767 Misc: 100
zayn Score: 4,561 Cryptography: 3,892 Reversing Engineering: 269 Forensics: 200
Rank: 28 Web: 100 Misc: 100
Legoclones Score: 4,396 Cryptography: 100 Reversing Engineering: 718 Forensics: 300
Rank: 29 Web: 1,637 PWN: 1,297 Misc: 344
RJCyber Score: 4,116 Cryptography: 1,933 Reversing Engineering: 269 Forensics: 400
Rank: 30 Web: 1,170 Misc: 344
unvariant Score: 3,779
Rank: 31 PWN: 3,779
blahh Score: 3,741 Cryptography: 3,397 Forensics: 100
Rank: 32 Misc: 244
CSN3RD Score: 3,644 Cryptography: 504 Reversing Engineering: 1,199 Forensics: 867
Rank: 33 Web: 730 Misc: 344
kalipatriot Score: 3,411 Cryptography: 100 Reversing Engineering: 449 Forensics: 400
Rank: 34 Web: 2,118 Misc: 344
sky :) Score: 3,262
Rank: 35 Web: 1,637 PWN: 1,281 Misc: 344
Babafaba Score: 3,177 Cryptography: 2,908 Reversing Engineering: 269
Rank: 36
Protactinium Score: 3,145 Cryptography: 504 Reversing Engineering: 718 Forensics: 867
Rank: 37 Web: 351 PWN: 361 Misc: 344
crypto enjoyer Score: 2,855 Reversing Engineering: 1,218
Rank: 38 Web: 1,637
m0z Score: 2,834 Forensics: 300
Rank: 39 Web: 1,637 PWN: 797 Misc: 100
theF0X Score: 2,799 Cryptography: 1,938 Forensics: 300
Rank: 40 Web: 100 PWN: 361 Misc: 100
kasm Score: 2,796 Forensics: 2,345
Rank: 41 Web: 351 Misc: 100
Sec10splaya Score: 2,705 Cryptography: 988 Forensics: 894
Rank: 42 Web: 479 Misc: 344
Salts Score: 2,704 Forensics: 586
Rank: 43 Web: 2,118
arcticx Score: 2,613 Cryptography: 100 Reversing Engineering: 718 Forensics: 898
Rank: 44 Web: 100 PWN: 797
Leon Score: 2,608 Cryptography: 504 Reversing Engineering: 269 Forensics: 400
Rank: 45 Web: 730 PWN: 361 Misc: 344
bm_ Score: 2,587 Cryptography: 504 Reversing Engineering: 269 Forensics: 400
Rank: 46 Web: 1,070 Misc: 344
Nyx! Score: 2,540 Cryptography: 504 Reversing Engineering: 718 Forensics: 867
Rank: 47 Web: 351 Misc: 100
minipif Score: 2,532 Cryptography: 966 Reversing Engineering: 269 Forensics: 300
Rank: 48 Web: 100 PWN: 797 Misc: 100
RenTheRoot Score: 2,447 Cryptography: 504 Reversing Engineering: 1,199 Forensics: 400
Rank: 49 Web: 100 Misc: 244
AkemiHomura Score: 2,425 Cryptography: 2,425
Rank: 50
Handle Game Scores & Rank


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 14,161 Overall Rank: 1
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 3,892 Reversing Engineering: 2,683
Forensics: 2,345 Web: 2,118
PWN: 2,779 Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 12,666 Overall Rank: 2
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 3,892 Reversing Engineering: 2,186
Forensics: 2,345 Web: 2,118
PWN: 1,781 Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 12,166 Overall Rank: 3
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 3,892 Reversing Engineering: 2,186
Forensics: 2,345 Web: 2,118
PWN: 1,281 Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 11,685 Overall Rank: 4
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 3,892 Reversing Engineering: 2,683
Forensics: 867 Web: 2,118
PWN: 1,781 Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 10,223 Overall Rank: 5
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 3,892 Reversing Engineering: 2,186
Forensics: 886 Web: 2,118
PWN: 797 Misc: 344

Kameron Bettridge

SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 10,207 Overall Rank: 6
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 2,417 Reversing Engineering: 2,186
Forensics: 2,345 Web: 2,118
PWN: 797 Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 9,847 Overall Rank: 7
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 3,396 Reversing Engineering: 2,187
Forensics: 1,253 Web: 1,386
PWN: 1,281 Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 8,749 Overall Rank: 8
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 1,454 Reversing Engineering: 2,683
Forensics: 1,353 Web: 2,118
PWN: 797 Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 8,728 Overall Rank: 9
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 1,445 Reversing Engineering: 2,187
Forensics: 1,353 Web: 2,118
PWN: 1,281 Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 8,401 Overall Rank: 10
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 1,938 Reversing Engineering: 1,705
Forensics: 2,345 Web: 1,272
PWN: 797 Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 8,174 Overall Rank: 11
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 100 Reversing Engineering: 3,683
Forensics: 400 Web: 1,867
PWN: 1,780 Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 7,837 Overall Rank: 12
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 1,951 Reversing Engineering: 718
Forensics: 2,345 Web: 2,118
PWN: 361 Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 7,307 Overall Rank: 13
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 504 Reversing Engineering: 1,199
Forensics: 2,345 Web: 2,118
PWN: 797 Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 6,946 Overall Rank: 14
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 3,892 Reversing Engineering: 750
Forensics: 200 Web: 479
PWN: 1,281 Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 6,393 Overall Rank: 15
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 1,929 Reversing Engineering: 1,241
Forensics: 867 Web: 1,651
PWN: 361 Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 6,263 Overall Rank: 16
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 504 Reversing Engineering: 718
Forensics: 1,747 Web: 1,170
PWN: 1,780 Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 6,206 Overall Rank: 17
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 3,396 Reversing Engineering: 1,247
Forensics: 400 Web: 819
Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 6,181 Overall Rank: 18
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 3,396 Reversing Engineering: 1,690
Forensics: 400 Web: 351
Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 5,677 Overall Rank: 19
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 3,396
Forensics: 300 Web: 1,637
Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 5,441 Overall Rank: 20
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 562 Reversing Engineering: 269
Forensics: 867 Web: 2,118
PWN: 1,281 Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 5,385 Overall Rank: 21
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 983 Reversing Engineering: 269
Forensics: 1,353 Web: 1,639
PWN: 797 Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 5,383 Overall Rank: 22
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 504 Reversing Engineering: 269
Forensics: 867 Web: 2,118
PWN: 1,281 Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 5,203 Overall Rank: 23
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 584 Reversing Engineering: 750
Forensics: 1,847 Web: 1,678
Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 5,020 Overall Rank: 24
Overall Score by Game Category*
Reversing Engineering: 1,241
PWN: 3,779


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 4,985 Overall Rank: 25
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 966 Reversing Engineering: 718
Forensics: 767 Web: 1,637
PWN: 797 Misc: 100


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 4,966 Overall Rank: 26
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 100 Reversing Engineering: 1,737
Forensics: 767 Web: 2,118
Misc: 244


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 4,680 Overall Rank: 27
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 966
Forensics: 1,847 Web: 1,767
Misc: 100


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 4,561 Overall Rank: 28
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 3,892 Reversing Engineering: 269
Forensics: 200 Web: 100
Misc: 100


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 4,396 Overall Rank: 29
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 100 Reversing Engineering: 718
Forensics: 300 Web: 1,637
PWN: 1,297 Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 4,116 Overall Rank: 30
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 1,933 Reversing Engineering: 269
Forensics: 400 Web: 1,170
Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 3,779 Overall Rank: 31
Overall Score by Game Category*
PWN: 3,779


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 3,741 Overall Rank: 32
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 3,397
Forensics: 100
Misc: 244


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 3,644 Overall Rank: 33
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 504 Reversing Engineering: 1,199
Forensics: 867 Web: 730
Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 3,411 Overall Rank: 34
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 100 Reversing Engineering: 449
Forensics: 400 Web: 2,118
Misc: 344

sky :)

SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 3,262 Overall Rank: 35
Overall Score by Game Category*
Web: 1,637
PWN: 1,281 Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 3,177 Overall Rank: 36
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 2,908 Reversing Engineering: 269


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 3,145 Overall Rank: 37
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 504 Reversing Engineering: 718
Forensics: 867 Web: 351
PWN: 361 Misc: 344

crypto enjoyer

SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 2,855 Overall Rank: 38
Overall Score by Game Category*
Reversing Engineering: 1,218
Web: 1,637


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 2,834 Overall Rank: 39
Overall Score by Game Category*
Forensics: 300 Web: 1,637
PWN: 797 Misc: 100


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 2,799 Overall Rank: 40
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 1,938
Forensics: 300 Web: 100
PWN: 361 Misc: 100


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 2,796 Overall Rank: 41
Overall Score by Game Category*
Forensics: 2,345 Web: 351
Misc: 100


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 2,705 Overall Rank: 42
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 988
Forensics: 894 Web: 479
Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 2,704 Overall Rank: 43
Overall Score by Game Category*
Forensics: 586 Web: 2,118


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 2,613 Overall Rank: 44
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 100 Reversing Engineering: 718
Forensics: 898 Web: 100
PWN: 797


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 2,608 Overall Rank: 45
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 504 Reversing Engineering: 269
Forensics: 400 Web: 730
PWN: 361 Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 2,587 Overall Rank: 46
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 504 Reversing Engineering: 269
Forensics: 400 Web: 1,070
Misc: 344


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 2,540 Overall Rank: 47
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 504 Reversing Engineering: 718
Forensics: 867 Web: 351
Misc: 100


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 2,532 Overall Rank: 48
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 966 Reversing Engineering: 269
Forensics: 300 Web: 100
PWN: 797 Misc: 100


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 2,447 Overall Rank: 49
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 504 Reversing Engineering: 1,199
Forensics: 400 Web: 100
Misc: 244


SIV US Cyber Open CTF Score & Rank
Overall Score: 2,425 Overall Rank: 50
Overall Score by Game Category*
Cryptography: 2,425

*Overall Score by Game Category:

The Open CTF challenges were broken up into six game categories:
cryptography, reverse engineering, forensics, web, pwn, and misc.
Each challenge used dynamic scoring to determine the final point value based on difficulty.



The US Cyber Games depend on the generosity of our corporate and university sponsors. We all know that the success of our cybersecurity industry depends on sourcing and training talent to reduce the workforce gap. We’re seeking organizations to share our overall mission and sponsor this incredible one-of-a-kind program.

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